Confession: I have a cluttered kitchen

My kitchen is used. We eat breakfast and dinner at home as a family. I frequently come home for lunch and D is home four days a week with Rie. While magazine photos of simplified, sparse kitchens are appealing in theory, that concept just doesn’t seem to work for us.

Last year I cleared off the toaster, coffee maker, and other junk from the counter, which makes the kitchen feel huge:


Under the calendar is where the mail congregates. I compromise and keep a little stand for the items that can’t be thrown away immediately. Before company comes over, the little stand can be hidden under the cabinet.


alphabet magnets are the best!


Think that is a lot of spices? There are more above the stove!

We store knives and the cutting board on the wall above the stove. This is great for easy-access, but some may feel this adds to a feeling of clutter:


I actually took some personal things off the fridge before taking this photo – it is usually covered in pictures of the family.

The big plastic container to the left of the sink is used for compostable materials. Yes, it is always sitting out in plain sight:


View from the staircase. We have a trash can and a recycling bin.

I make no excuses. There are always dishes drying next to the sink, and produce sitting on the counter. We use the microwave, so that isn’t going anywhere. It is what it is!

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